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Related Products In Amazon | Preview available at main Seminars On DVD website, but be sure to purchase on Amazon for best pricing. Effective time management is one of the most important skills for boosting productivity. In this powerful time management session by Brian Tracy, you’ll learn how to organize every area of your life. You’ll discover several time management tips, including the best ways to eliminate time wasters, time management techniques for maximizing productivity, how to increase your personal power, how to make yourself more valuable, and keys for staying motivated. No matter what you do for a living, this session promises to bring your time management skills and organizational skills to a new level. – MANAGE & ORGANIZE YOUR MOST IMPORTANT PRIORITIES – TIME MANAGEMENT TIPS FOR STAYING AHEAD OF THE GAME – ELIMINATE THE TIME WASTERS AND BOOST PRODUCTIVITY – LEARN HOW TO SAY NO TO THE UNIMPORTANT THINGS – DEVELOP A GAMEPLAN FOR YOUR LIFE THAT WORKS – AND MUCH MORE… Seminars on DVD has created dozens of powerful training videos covering a variety of topics, all delivered by the World’s top speakers. To find the entire list of available programs, search Amazon for: seminarsondvd Price:$ 89.95 Buy it from Amazon |
Effective time management is one of the most important skills for boosting productivity. In this powerful time management session by Brian Tracy, you’ll learn how to organize every area of your life. You’ll discover several time management tips, including the best ways to eliminate time wasters, time management techniques for maximizing productivity, how to increase your personal power, how to make yourself more valuable, and keys for staying motivated. No matter what you do for a living, this session promises to bring your time management skills and organizational skills to a new level. Brian Tracy is one of the most in-demand speakers in the world on the subjects of effective time management, business productivity and personal performance. He’s a dynamic and entertaining presenter, teaching important strategies on how to reach higher levels of achievement, income and happiness. As the author of dozens of books covering the entire spectrum of human and corporate Price: Buy it from Amazon |